I collected my 3D works from my past. Mostly those will be images from Unity and Blender.
Circa November 2020.
It was made for my first prototype of game, that was about building a castles from bricks. I finished currently on prototype where I can destroy the castle using mouse pointer, which spawns ball. For now…
Circa late 2020. Did it as assigment for my studies. I wanted to recreate rifle that looked cool to me. From multiple weapons I took WW2 Gewehr43 rifle, due to its cool looks, simple iron sights and easy shape.
After that I worked on some animations that I would use in Unity. Most of them were things like firing, movement or reload. I was trying dealing with one cartrigde and cartridge boat reload, but after few not pretty looking attempts just finished on basic one.
Note that bullet casing can be procedurally coded into game so I don’t need to animate it, only ejection point, where would bullet casing would spawn from.
Here I tried to create some modular assets. This was for game that I ditched early on. It was supposed to be scare-sim, like Ghost Master. I needed two types of walls, one in full size and another cropped. Nowadays I would probably tried doing that with shader but back then I didn’t know how to deal with things like that.
Circa late 2019
Circa Semptember 2020 I grouped multiple models and tried to write some basic script using Blender flavoured Python. This time I was creating models for painting esque prototype, that I’ve never finished. For that project I was using Built-in render pipeline, as it was easier to modify texture via shader using RenderTexture compared to likes of URP back then.
For this project I had multiple uv maps prepared for every single modular piece. Three in total, one main, one light and one paint UV.