
I like…


Tea sipping

Maybe not most of active things to do, but if you don’t mind me, I will drink some tea in my free time. I will prolly drink some coffee too, but nowadays trying to cut it a little bit off.

Playing on instruments

I’m trying to play something, but mostly privately. Not having enough will-power to learn something tip-top. Maybe one day I will write a song or something.


I mostly enjoy RTS and FPS games. I don’t mind playing FPP puzzle games, city sims or card games.

Age of Empires series

Game series that I shamelessly can say that I gave probably more than 2 thousand hours to this series, and I’m not going to stop any time soon in free time. Right now mostly playing Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition and Age of Empires 3 Definitive Edition. My favorite civs are: Portugese, Celts, Slavs and Spanish, Portugese, Hausa for second and third instalment respectively.

Deep Rock Galactic

If I’m going to search for something that I can play with bunch of my friends in player vs enemy gamemode… then this cave and insect killing simulator is one of those games.

Other games…

Recently I’ve played Company of Heroes 2, Holdfast: Nations At War, Dread Templar, Nightmare Reaper and Ion Fury.

Movies and TV series

I prefer short forms, but sometimes I can watch longer, episodic forms. I prefer war movies, historical drama, or just creations that are more grounded in reality or esthetically pleasing. Doesn’t matter if it is animation or not.

War Movies

I’m big fan of Dirty Dozen, Dunkirk and Saving Private Ryan, even knowing that less or more they aren’t fully sticking to historical realms. Besides that I will recommend movies like Where the Iron Crosses Grow, Stalingrad (1993) and Zulu. I will stick here Rambo (series).

Drama and others…

My favorites here are Whiplash, Grand Budapest Hotel, Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind and The Man Without a Past. Good horror is nice too: Romero Trilogy, The Thing, House of 1000 Corpses and Cube. Besides that Up!, Persepolis and Death Wish (1-5) w/ Charles Bronson.

…as for the series

Best from series that I’ve recently watched: Rome, Pacific and Berserk (1997). Besides that Trigun, Black Lagoon, Vikings and Breaking Bad.


Postpunk, New Wave etc…

Music from those genres is pretty recent addition for me. I like music made by A Flock of Seagulls, Sad Lovers and Giants and The Sound.

Thrash Metal

I used to listen multiple bands for years, from more known groups like Megadeth or Slayer, to less known bands like Devastation, Sacrifice, Hexenhaus or Obliveon. Nowadays is rather less than more, but I like to listen some of Dark Angel or Razor if I have mood for it.